TT #25: First Funeral

As I knelt by the grave, my mascara forming a black river down my cheeks, a middle-aged man approached.

With a kind smile on his face, he said “I can see this is your first time at a funeral for Naadu.” My eyes grew wide, and I asked him what the hell he meant by first time.

“Well, this is how it goes. Every three years, Naadu fakes her death and starts a new life in a random city around the world.

New name, new career, new everything.

We met in New Mexico, and I’m the only person she’s ever kept in contact with across her many lives. Back then, she went by Consuela. Anyway, I’m tired of attending these shindigs alone.

Wanna be my date next time she dies?”

Prompt: I can see this is your first time at a funeral for Naadu


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TT #26: Abstract Art


TT #24: Stroke Seventeen