TT #24: Stroke Seventeen


The cane ricocheted off Enoch’s derriere as his teacher, Mr. Klomortey, panted with the effort of his 13th swing. Today was the day. Enoch was a particularly notorious student, infamous for his disdain of corporal punishment.

The teachers especially hated him, because each time he was whipped, he would yell ODEISHI*, with unwavering pride. The boy seemed immune to pain.

So the teachers hatched a plot.

After they caught him smoking behind the science lab, they sent Mr. Klomortey, the most wicked cane-slinger in the school, to teach him a lesson. The vice principal had been disciplining students for 37 years, and many a graduate had tales of the red welts he had left (on their) behind.

Despite his salt and pepper beard and moonwalking hairline, Mr. Klomortey’s muscles still bulged under his button-down. The secret was his many years of boxing in Bukom.

But after 13 lashes, even he was beginning to tire.

14! 15!! 16!!! Each swing dovetailed with a resounding ODEISHI from Enoch. But in place of the 17th stroke, there was silence. Enoch steeled himself to roar Odeishi again, but the pain never came. Instead, where he once wielded a cane, Mr. Klomortey found himself clutching his chest. Enoch peered down at his fallen opponent with pride.

Perhaps, padding his boxers that Thursday was a... stroke of genius. 

Prompt: Stroke of Genius

*Odeishi is what the hardest kids would yell when they got whipped in school. It roughly translates to invincible/unaffected.


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TT #25: First Funeral


TT #23: Sacred Smoke