TT #19: Good Gods Pt. II

I can’t blame the gods too much for the way they live. Not dying was their first mistake.

Not that they wanted to. Like any other human beings, they feared the unknown nature of death and sought to escape it. Unlike other human beings, they succeeded.

When they realise they can’t die, most gods spend the first few years trying to help others. They support the vulnerable, weak and the helpless. New gods aid them to rise from their lowly stations, only to realise that humans are wicked at heart.

The former weak become the current strong, and with their newfound power, become the latest oppressors.

Now repeat this cycle over millennia, and you start to understand why the gods don’t give a shit anymore. Like I said, we’re all alone.

And we did it to ourselves.

Prompt: Not dying was their first mistake


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TT #20: C Trouble


TT #18: Good Gods Pt. I