TT #27: Long Legs

I’d know those long legs anywhere.

That tan skin, those gorgeous brown eyes and that behind that swished whenever she walked. Akos was back in town! I first ran into her at the park.

I was on a walk, excited to be out of the house for the first time in dog years, when she appeared before me, all legs, looking like something out of a movie.

I was smitten.

Can’t lie, shawty was a different breed. My tongue must have been hanging out of my mouth because she giggled and introduced herself. I really thought she’d be a bitch, but her bark was worse than her bite.

We went on a couple of dates, but before I knew it, she had to move abruptly. Something about becoming assistant branch manager*. But now, just as suddenly as she had disappeared, she had returned. All legs, all back, all gorgeous. Damn, my tongue was out again. I let out an booming bark and wagged my tail.

Every dog has its day.

Prompt: Long Legs

*Here’s a picture of the assistant branch manager


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TT #28: Ghost Goals


TT #26: Abstract Art