TT #22: Purple Patches

What’s your favourite color Daddy?

I leaned back in my chair and shut my eyes for a few seconds. The pain was overwhelming. It was just like a kid to ask the most innocent question and somehow break your heart in the process.

I steeled myself to respond.

“Well, sweetie, purple is my favorite color but you’ll never guess why. Before you were born, your mother was obsessed with colors. Each week, she would go through a kaleidoscope of beautiful hues in each outfit, but the only thing that stayed constant was her purple wristband.

I never knew why. I never got a chance to ask either.

While she was in labor, she lost a lot of blood and passed away on the operating table. Since then, the color purple instantly reminds me of her.” Overcome by the weight of memory, I cradled my head in my hands.

My tears fell, but they were caught by a purple wristband.

Prompt: Purple is my favorite color but you’ll never guess why


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TT #23: Sacred Smoke


TT #21: Hand Held