TT #11: Rome Remains

Rome was always his favourite.

Tempered steel inlaid with gold, tapering into a hilt fashioned from jet black iroko wood. Rome was 6 inches of badass, and Varrick loved her more than any of his other blades.

We met on a mission for Don Simon. He was the muscle, and I was the honeypot.

We weren’t supposed to learn each other's names, but Varrick broke the rule first. He was always a rebel that way. But then I got tired of simply being a pretty face in the Don’s schemes. I never brought back the money to the safe house.

Instead, I changed my name, fled to Latin America and started a new life. But somehow, Don Simon tracked me down and sent Varrick after me. I shot him from behind, but I barely grazed his shoulder.

Now Rome will forever be in my heart.

Prompt: Rome will forever be in my heart


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TT #12: Judging Jerry


TT #10: Mad Men