TT #30: Sleeping Shot

I woke up with a start, as the searing pain ripped through my right bicep.

“You shot me!” I exclaimed, glaring at my ex-wife.

I was equal parts shocked and terrified. She was a nurse, so she’d know exactly how to cover up the evidence. “Why did you do it?” I asked. “I did it for the kids, Jeremy. With their anti-vaxxer dad out of the way, they will finally have the courage to live healthier lives.”

Furious, I responded, “But you didn’t need to give me a shot to do it, you could have just convinced them to get vaccinated!” Maybe, she said, but it was just easier this way.

Then she put the syringe away and covered up the blood with a bandage.

Prompt: You shot me


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TT #31: Nobody Nose


TT #29: Daddy’s Desk