TT #6: Tasting Taxes

There’s penny pinching. There’s stingy. There’s miserly… And then there’s Gabi. I’d worked at the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) for 7 years, doing my utmost best to ensure erratic* power supply for Ghanaians.

Every day after work, without fail, we visited Raury’s for watered down drinks, questionable bar snacks and plenty of gossip. Gabi was our manager, and had been there longer than most of us, but he never joined us at Raury’s.

“GoTtA sAvE mOn3y,” he would repeat for the thousandth time, wagging his fingers as we left for the bar. So imagine our shock when we walked into Raury’s last Friday, only to find Gabi perched on a bar stool. He was elbow deep in some fufu, accompanied by a Noah’s Ark worth of meat. When I finally picked my jaw off the floor, I asked him what changed.

Soup dripping down his beard, he shot back, “Chop life now oo, because E-Levy** no start yet!”

Prompt: Chop life now oo, because E-Levy no start yet!

*ECG provides such sporadic power that the ineptitude feels intentional

** E-Levy is an aggressively repressive law that taxes all electronic money transfers in Ghana.


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TT #7: Mistaken Man


TT #5: Celestial Satisfaction