TT #7: Mistaken Man

As I sat there strapped to the electric chair, I started thinking about where it had all gone wrong.

Wrong place, wrong time, is all it was.

I was strolling from the subway to my apartment when a stranger bumped into me without a word of an apology. It mattered little until later that night, when the SWAT team burst in through my door. They claimed I was wanted in conjunction with an armed robbery and murder at a jewellery store on my route home.


I was confident I’d be released until they found a loose diamond in my jacket. That slick fucker must have slid it into my coat when he bumped into me! I was jolted into the present as the executioner asked me if I had any last words.

I screamed “This has got to be the worst case of mistaken identity!!!”

Prompt: This has got to be the worst case of mistaken identity


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TT #8: Dummy Door


TT #6: Tasting Taxes