TT #14: Cat Crisis Pt. I

A promise made, a promise kept.

Most two-legs wouldn’t get it. Neither would the folks at the Restoration Centre. It didn’t matter though, because Tom had held up his end of the bargain.

With her dying breath, a two-leg named Katya had asked him to watch over her son Chris. And watch he had. After number 3, life was war.

But through gunfire, bomb blasts and hell itself, he never left Chris’ side. 8 times to the Restoration Center, 8 times back. A feline record.

But the war had finally ended, so he could spend his last life in peace. Tom breathed a sigh of relief, certain his trials were over… till he noticed his left paw flicker and fade out of existence.

So much for lucky number 9.

Prompt: he breathed a sigh of relief, certain his trials were over...till he noticed his left hand flicker and fade out of existence


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TT #15: Cat Crisis Pt. II


TT #13: Hulking Heroes