TT #15: Cat Crisis Pt. II

I’ve seen a lot of cats come and go, but Tom is my favourite of the bunch.

He’s a crazy little mofo. This is number 8 for him, right? And yet, he keeps going back to his master Chris, even though he could be anywhere else.

What kind of cat chooses to live with a front line soldier?

He knows he will probably die again, but it means little to him. Most felines pick a new owner each time, but not Tom. He’s never switched.

Some cats scare easily but I swear this clingy one has soul.

Anyway, I think I just saw him get ran over while crossing the road. Damn. So much for a peaceful retirement.

Act natural, here he comes. 

Prompt: Some cats scare easily but I swear this clingy one has soul


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TT #16: Pizza Party


TT #14: Cat Crisis Pt. I