TT #16: Pizza Party

The first thing we noticed when we reached the door was the smell.

Our noses were assaulted by a combination that could only be described as putrefying skunk, but we had to press on. After all, we’d gotten an anonymous tip from this motel with a description matching the missing boy. We banged on the door a few times, but nobody answered.

Hammer time.

We swung the battering ram back and smashed into the lock full force. The flimsy motel door splintered and gave way in no time. Looking back on it, I almost wish it didn’t. The organ harvesters had already fled, but not without leaving behind an assortment of unwanted parts. Chunks of flesh lay there, putrid and rotting, in a pizza box.

I never looked at pizza the same again. 

Prompt: I never looked at pizza the same again


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TT #17: Fountain Fakeout


TT #15: Cat Crisis Pt. II