TT #17: Fountain Fakeout

Today was the day.

Jermaine was going to get to the bottom of Charmaine’s lies once and for all. After 30 years of marriage, he’d had it. The locals told tales of a fountain nestled in the mountains with powers beyond human comprehension.

Getting a DNA test at this stage would be too dicey, so this was the only way.

After they had trekked for two hours in the scorching sun, the fountain finally came into view. He encouraged Charmaine to take a dip while he captured some photos of her. As soon as she stepped into the crystal clear waters, he began asking Charmaine questions, expecting the Fountain of Truth to work its magic.

But instead Charmaine began to look younger and younger. Maybe it was a side effect.

Unable to bear it anymore, he finally asked what was on his heart. “Charmaine, is Jerome mine?” Her body restored to its 25-year old glory, she stormed out of the pond and exclaimed “I can’t believe you’d ask me that, you bastard.”

Jermaine turned away in frustration, only to spot a sign to the left of the water - Welcome To the Fountain of Youth. He facepalmed and sighed “This has got to be the worst case of mistaken identity.”

Prompt: This has got to be the worst case of mistaken identity*

*I wanted a second crack at this prompt. Here’s the original in case you’re curious


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TT #18: Good Gods Pt. I


TT #16: Pizza Party